SLOBODIAN Mykola Vasyliovych
author: Vasyl Ovsiyenko
(b. 21.6.1944, Rosokhach Village, Chortkiv Region, Ternopil Oblast)
Member of Rosokhach Patriotic Youth Underground Organization.
Peasant by birth. In 1971, he graduated from Rosokhach Evening High School. S. worked at the collective farm and as a seasonal worker in the East of Ukraine. S. was enthusiastic over the struggle of the UIA for independence, listened to foreign broadcasts, and was eager to fight against colonization and Russification of Ukraine. The young people resented the destruction of memorial crosses in the village, destruction of the church and tombs of Sich riflemen, and arrests of Ukrainian intellectuals in 1972. S. willingly accepted the proposal of Volodymyr MARMUS to join the clandestine patriotic youth organization that would fight for the independence of Ukraine.
On 14.01.1973, S. in the presence of V.MARMUS, Petro VITIV, Volodymyr SENKIV, Petro VYNNYCHUK together with Mykola MARMUS, Mykola LYSYI, Andriy KRAVETS at the latter’s khata and in the festive atmosphere with candles, on his knees before the cross and image of the Mother of God he swore to consider the struggle for independence his highest duty. Stepan SAPELIAK became the ninth member of the organization.
S. took an active part in carrying out of the main action of their organization: making and raising in the Town of Chortkiv of four Ukrainian national flags and distribution of 19 flyers on 01.21.1973 19 on the eve of the 55th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Ukrainian People’s Republic by the IV Decree of the Central Rada and 54th Anniversary of the Unification of UPR and WUPR. S. was putting up flyers, which ended with the slogans: "Freedom to Ukrainian patriots!", "Shame on the policy of Russification," "Long live the growing Ukrainian patriotism", demands to grant freedom of the press, rallies and meetings.
He was arrested on 22.03.1973. At first he didn’t testify, but being disposed, he had to confirm his actions. At the closed session the Ternopil Oblast Court on 24.09.1973 convicted him along with six other members to three years in high security camps and two years of exile under art. 64 (“participation in anti-Soviet organization”) and 62 p. 1 (“anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda”). During pronouncement of the verdict the light went out the sentence, like the oath, they passed by candle light.
He served his sentence in the Mordovian high security camp ZHH-385/19, Settlement of Lyesnoy, Tenhushovskyi Region, together with P.VYNNYCHUK. He worked as a stoker at the drying shop. S. communicated with former UIA militants Mykola Konchakivskyi, Dmytro Syniak, Ivan Myron, Mykhailo Zhurakivskyi, Roman Semeniuk, Father Denys Lukashevych, and a wide range of young prisoners of different nationalities. In the fall 1975, he was transferred under guard to Perm camp VS-389/37, Settlement of Polovinka, Chusovskoi Region, where about all his partners did their terms. He took part in protests and in the preparation of information about zonal events.
In exile, he worked on the farm in the Village of Nikolsk, Krivosheinski Region, Tomsk Oblast.
He returned to Rosokhach Village in spring 1978. He married Olga Svidzynska and they had sons Vasyl born in 1973, Andriy born in 1982, Mykhailo born in 1986, and daughter Mariya born in 1984.
In the late 80’s and early 90’s S. took active part in the movement for independence. He was a member of the Coordinating Council of Chortkiv “Memorial”, member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union, Ukrainian Republican Party, and is now a member of the Republican Christian Party.
He was rehabilitated under the Law of the UkrSSR from 17.04.1991 “On the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repressions in Ukraine”. He is a pensioner.
By the Presidential Decree of 18.08.2006 S. was awarded the Order “For courage”, Grade 1. His name, along with the names of all members of the Rosokhach Youth Organization on 26.01.2012 were immortalized on the commemorative plaque on the wall of the house of Chortkiv Teacher Training College where they had raised the flag.
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Юнаки з огненної печі / Харківська правозахисна група. Упорядник В.В.Овсієнко. – Харків: Фоліо, 2003. – С. 80 – 92 та ін.
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